The Arizona Police Department is Now Clear to Use CBD

When it comes to the laws regarding CBD, Arizona has been the most flexible amongst the US. It endorsed the farming of hemp and was among the first to have their production legalized through the Texas Farm bill. In fact, even the farmers are considering replacing their cotton with hemp. And now, Arizona comes back yet again with new laws regarding the use of CBD for police recruits.
The Usual Suspects
During the exams for the entrance to the Police Department, potential recruits have to go through drug tests in order to qualify for the position. “The usual suspects” among the drugs that are tested for are:
- Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) commonly found in Marijuana
- Cocaine (COC)
- Opiates
- Phencyclidine
- Amphetamine
When we take a look at the first item on the list, it’s obvious at a glance that Marijuana is out of the question and any candidate who is tested for it and failed would be disqualified. However, it’s important to note that CBD is also a component found in Marijuana and can also lead to a failed drug test. However, with Arizona’s new laws, the cops will still be qualified even when tested positive for CBD.
Impacts of the Decision
Persecutors of CBD would definitely argue against this new law and consider all the negatives of such a decision, such as the harmful consequences of a beat cop “high” on “weed”. However, for the recruits who are taking CBD oil as a medical treatment for their different conditions are sure to be glad for this to have happened.
It is definitely going to give the general public, the supporters of CBD and the users of CBD amongst the cops to know that they would no longer be judged and disqualified for taking medication for their condition.
The Arizonian Front
After this latest law, it is clear that if the legalization of CBD is a war, Arizona is definitely on the frontlines. And this isn’t the first time Arizona has been an active frontline for this battle. Over the past few months, Arizona state laws have legalized the cultivation of hemp, legalized the research on hemp and above all, legalized the selling and production of CBD-infused products.
Being one safe haven for CBD in all of US, Arizona is attracting its farmers to cultivate more hemp, going as far as to even making them consider replacing their cotton with hemp crops. And now, with the police being allowed to use CBD openly, even the law enforcement agencies of Arizona is now officially on the CBD Bandwagon.
What all these means is that CBD is here to stay and in Arizona, it’s here to flourish and grow. Even if the US could not take a huge bite off the projected Hemp market of 24 Billion Dollars by 2024, Arizona State laws’ stance on the matter secures at least a spot in that revolution. One small step for Arizona, one giant leap for Cannabidiol.