To Have Or Not To Have! CBD Confusion Rages In New York City

The state officials of New York state were one of the pioneers to announce the infusion of CBD in chocolates and tea for alleviating anxiety and similar ailments without creating the high of marijuana. However, the health inspectors of New York City have recently seized CBD-infused products worth thousands of dollars from the Fat Cat Kitchen and similar restaurants. Its owners have also been warned from selling the same or face possible penalties. These incidents were reported within just weeks of CBD becoming legal all across the country.
NYC Crackdown
Various inconsistencies have emerged in state, local and federal rules pertaining to CBD in the New York City which has made its growing business community succumb to heavy losses.C.J. Holm, the owner of the Fat Cat Kitchen pointed out that, “I’m trying to be compliant with the law, but no one seems to be fully aware of what the law is and isn’t.”
Piecemeal legalization of marijuana has lead to the growth of consumer interest in CBD-infused edibles, topical creams and tinctures. This also received the legal certification of being sold as a recreational or medical drug in 33 of its states in spite of being banned by federal laws.
Interest Of Food Giants
A report published by the Cowen Washington Research Group in 2018 revealed that an estimated $300 million was spent by U.S. consumers on CBD food and drinks in the same year. This led to growing interest of other food and drink manufacturers like the Coca-Cola Company and many more for reaping its unearthed potential.
2018 Farm Bill
This was enacted for clearing up the legal status of CBD by legalizing usage of cannabis extracts derived from the hemp plant. These are known to contain extremely low levels of THC which is the main psychoactive trigger in marijuana.
Confusion Galore
The law gave rise to further confusion in terms of business houses wishing to sell CBD infused food or drink. It became almost impossible to abide by one set of regulations without breaching the another.
A guidance was issued by the officials belonging to the State Department of Agriculture in December terming “chocolates with CBD drizzle,”“CBD tea,” and other CBD edibles as legal provided they were manufactured and marketed as dietary supplements. It is imperative to note here that these supplements have to adhere to more stringent guidelines when compared to ordinary food.
The department also made it very clear that doing the same will be in direct contradiction to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration rules as it has specifically termed addition of CBD to food as a totally unlawful act. The agency had shown green signal to a CBD-infused drug for the very first time last year which paved the path for more confusion to follow.The health inspectors of New York City are seriously considering this legislation.
The owner of Fat Cat Kitchen was thus taken by surprise when all her CBD infused snacks, honey and even raw cookie dough was confiscated in February. Similar scenes could also be seen in four other eateries spread across the city. Holm and her peer restaurant owners received a letter from the department which notified that the seizures shall be initiated by inspectors post 1st July.
Till now it is unclear about the sale of CBD edibles by the cafes and restaurants as dietary supplements in spite of receiving the legal backing of New York state officials.
Standpoint Of FDA & Health Department
Health Department spokesman Michael Lanza revealed that they were simply acting as per the ban of FDA on CBD-infused food and drink. However, FDA spokesman declined commenting on the New York regulations.
Maine, Colorado and some other states have tried to pass laws for allowing CBD infusion to food and drinks. Although CBD is presently a listed drug, FDA might allow its enlisting as a dietary supplement or food additive in days to come. A public forum shall be held in Maryland on May 31st for addressing this burning issue.
CBD Vendors Speak
Holm and her fellow CBD vendors are trying to devise their very own strategies which shall be compliant with the legal standpoints. Igor Yakovlev, the manufacturer of CBD-infused BeezyBeez Honey has started printing a disclaimer stating that his product has not yet been “evaluated or approved” by FDA.
Holm consulted her lawyer and came to the conclusion that FDA has imposed a ban on the addition of CBD to food meant for “interstate commerce.”This is why she feels it is perfectly fine to sell CBD coffee provided the extract is both produced and processed in New York.
Cortland based farmer Allan Gandelman, who founded the New York Cannabis Growers and Processors Association earlier this year vented out his frustration by saying that, “It is so confusing because you can ask three different attorneys and get three different answers.” He further added that, “so you decide you’re going to blaze a path forward, and produce a product that customers really want, and go for it until the government gets its act together.”