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CBD For Allergies – Can It Provide Relief?



CBD For Allergies - Can It Provide Relief?

We live in an era where we stumble upon health crises regularly. Along with severe conditions such as migraines and heart problems, we also encounter some petty issues like allergic reactions. This trivial problem can also take a turn towards a life-threatening possibility. 

You might often wonder if the nagging cold is an allergy or what about the new skin cream that resulted in a breakout on your skin. Distinguishing an allergy from other conditions is not always easy. But knowing the difference and the symptoms can help to provide faster relief. 

To distinguish, make a list of symptoms and note down the timing as the duration and time of symptoms can be substantial clues of finding the root cause. 

Although you must be already taking some medications for allergies, more and more people are choosing CBD to treat their allergic symptoms. It can help you avoid medicines that make you drowsy. Since more and more people are looking for natural ways to cure a variety of health conditions, CBD is fast becoming an accessible way. To know if it’s right for you, it is essential to know everything about your allergic symptoms and CBD. 

What Are Allergies?

You can understand allergies as abnormal reactions of the immune system to things that are usually harmless to most people. When a person is allergic to something, the immune system mistakes it for a substance that will harm the body. 

Various substances called allergens can cause allergic reactions such as dust, food, plant pollen, or medicines. 

The severity of such allergies varies from one individual to another. It can range from minor irritation and go up to anaphylaxis, a life-threatening emergency. Although most of the allergies do not have a cure, you can always relieve the same symptoms. 

How Does it Happen?

Most of the time, allergies happen when your immune system reacts to an allergen. The immune system treats it as an invader and tries to fight it off. 

To protect the body, the immune system forms antibodies called immunoglobulin E (IgE). These antibodies are responsible for making specific cells release chemicals into the bloodstream to defend against allergens. 

The release of such chemicals causes allergic reactions. These reactions can affect the throat, lungs, skin, eyes, and gastrointestinal tract. If you get exposed to the same allergen in the future, the allergic response will be triggered again. 

While some allergies are seasonal and happen at only certain times of the year, others can happen anytime you come in contact with an allergen. For instance, if you are allergic to a particular food item or dust mites and you are exposed to them, you will have an allergic reaction. 

Who Gets Allergies?

Allergies are often associated with genes and tend towards being hereditary. It can pass down through genes from parents to their children. Saying this, if you, your partner, or one of your children have an allergy, it does not mean that all of your kids will necessarily have it. 

Also, someone does not inherit a particular allergy, similar to the likelihood of having allergies. Some children have allergies, even if no other member in the family is allergic. Moreover, those who are allergic to one thing are likely to be allergic to others too. 

Symptoms of Allergies

The severity and the type of symptoms vary from person to person and allergy to allergy. Allergies can usually show up as throat tightness, itchy eyes, stuffy nose, sneezing, vomiting, trouble breathing, and even passing out. 

Children with severe allergies might be at risk for a sudden, potentially life-threatening allergic reaction known as anaphylaxis. It can happen as soon as you get exposed to an allergen or maybe not until a few hours. 

In such a case, your doctor might want you to carry an epinephrine auto-injector for emergencies. It works quickly against serious allergic symptoms. For instance, it raises low blood pressure and reduces swelling. 

Airborne allergies can result in something known as allergic rhinitis. It usually develops by the age of 10 and reaches its peak either in teens or early twenties. It often disappears between the ages of 40 and 60. Symptoms include stuffy nose, coughing, itchy nose, and sneezing. 

These symptoms are also accompanied by watery, itchy, and red eyes, it’s called allergic conjunctivitis. 

When you get an allergy due to food, medicines, or insects, symptoms include coughing, trouble breathing, wheezing, hoarseness, and stomach ache. You might also suffer from diarrhea, hives, swelling, watery eyes, and a drop in blood pressure. 

As said earlier, allergic reactions can vary. Sometimes, you might have a mild response that affects only one of your body systems, like hives on the skin. Other times, the reaction can be grave and can involve more than one body part. Also, a past mild reaction does not mean a future mild response. 

Prevention of Allergies 

Prevention of allergies largely depends on the type of allergy you have. General precautions include the following – 

Avoid Triggers 

You might be taking certain medications for your allergies, but you must avoid triggers. For instance, if you are sensitive to pollen, stay inside your house and close the windows when pollen is high. In case you are allergic to dust mites, make sure to vacuum and wash your bedding often. 

Note It Down

There often comes a stage when you try to identify what causes and worsens your allergic symptoms. To distinguish it and track your activities and what you eat and what triggers the symptoms, note it down. This will help you and your doctor to identify triggers. 

Wear A Medical Alert Bracelet 

If you suffer from severe allergic reactions, a medical alert bracelet will let others know that you have a severe allergy. It will be useful, especially in situations when you are not able to communicate appropriately. 

What Is the Hype About CBD? 

CBD is among the thousand compounds that the cannabis plant produces. It is a part of the class called cannabinoids, which includes THC, a psychoactive compound in marijuana that offers a high. While CBD does not have any psychotropic effect at low doses, it is widely known for its therapeutic benefits. 

Earlier, you could find CBD only in natural food stores as a supplement. People could mix these supplements in food. Nowadays, you can get CBD infused products in toiletries, food items, beauty items, and pet care. 

How Can CBD Help With Allergies? 

Allergic reactions are among the most prevalent chronic health conditions, which affects many people across the globe. When people come in contact with substances they are allergic to, such as dust, pollen, certain food products, or mold, the immune system overreacts by producing excess antibodies. 

Cannabidiol, the non-euphoric element of the cannabis Sativa plant, contains some of the anti-inflammatory properties that could be useful in treating allergies. One way that cannabidiol can help with allergies is by reducing the antibodies that trigger histamine, the leading cause of inflammatory responses in the human body. 

How Does CBD Work For Allergies?

Researchers and doctors found in a 2009 study that CBD can inhibit the activation of a specific type of blood cell (T-cells) in mice. By weakening the release of these cells, CBD might be able to reduce antibody response and reduce allergic reactions. 

Full-spectrum CBD oil comprises terpenes. According to a 2014 study, terpenes can lower down antibody levels. A common terpene in cannabis Sativa called alpha-pinene decreased the symptoms of allergies in mice.

Doctors observed that rodents reduced rubbing their eyes, ears, and nose, which indicates an improvement in allergic reactions. They also noticed lower levels of immunoglobulin E, a vital component that is responsible for releasing histamine. Histamine is responsible for various allergic symptoms, including itching, runny nose, and swelling in nasal cavities. 

Besides reducing these symptoms, CBD can also alleviate allergy symptoms like difficulty in breathing during asthma. A 2019 study revealed that CBD reduces inflammation in the airway, wheezing, and scarring of lung tissues, especially in allergic asthma. 

Although CBD’s effectiveness is not yet proven, initial clinical trials show that CBD has the potential to be a possible allergy treatment. 

What Are The Pros Of Using CBD For Allergies?

The following are the pros of using CBD for allergies. 

  • As per the studies mentioned above, CBD has anti-inflammatory and antihistamine properties, which can help people with allergies. 
  • Unlike THC, cannabidiol does not alter the consciousness of individuals who consume CBD products.
  • According to a report from the World Health Organization, CBD oil is well-tolerated and has an excellent safety profile. 
  • Although most of the clinical trials have been performed on animals, CBD has the potential to be a possible treatment for allergic symptoms. 

What Are The Cons Of Using CBD For Allergies?

The following are the cons of using CBD for allergies. 

  • Studies on the effectiveness of CBD on human beings are minimal. They do not clarify whether or not the compound can treat allergies. 
  • Dr. Peter Grinspoon, a primary care physician who advocates the use of cannabinoids, says that CBD causes side effects such as irritability, fatigue, and nausea. 
  • Most of the studies were carried out on rodents, and more human trials are needed. 

CBD Oil Vs. Alternative Treatments for CBD 

Allergy treatments include allergen avoidance, medications, immunotherapy, and emergency epinephrine. If you are seeking professional help, your doctor will advise you on how to avoid allergy triggers. This is the most common thing to do to prevent allergies. 

Depending on the type of allergy you have, your doctor will prescribe you certain medications to relieve symptoms. These medications can be over-the-counter medicines or prescription medicines in the form of pills, nasal drops, etc. 

For severe allergies, your doctor might suggest immunotherapy. The treatment involves a series of vaccinations containing purified allergen extracts, usually given over a few days to you. Another form of immunotherapy comes in the form of a tablet that you place under the tongue until it dissolves. These are called sublingual drugs and used to treat pollen allergies. ‘

If you are suffering from a critical allergy, you will have to carry an epinephrine shot at all times. It can help reduce symptoms until you get proper treatment. 

Although there is no evidence that CBD is a proper antihistamine, some findings suggest that CBD can affect mast cells to reduce symptoms. Many people with seasonal allergies find out that traditional antihistamines are useful only if they started early. Over time, it loses its efficiency, where it may be no longer useful. 

As said earlier, CBD has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce symptoms of allergy. Various studies point out the therapeutic benefits of CBD. 

In a 2014 study, scientists suggested how the endocannabinoid system plays a crucial role in reducing inflammation. The study points out that the ECS system’s activation in a particular way can help regulate inflammation for various diseases. 

This is because cannabinoids can potentially be active-inflammatory agents. It can be as useful as other widely available anti-inflammatory medications in the market. 

In brief, CBD oil may promote the production of healthy cannabinoids in ECS. Although it does not directly affect the receptors present in the system, it may be sufficient to promote anti-inflammatory effects.

What Is The Right CBD For Allergies? 

Dr. Grinspoon envisions that a CBD nasal spray comprising a concentration of anti-inflammatory cannabinoids and terpenes can treat allergies. One CBD product is full-spectrum CBD oil that contains all the phytonutrients as it comes with terpenes, THC, flavonoids, and essential oils. 

You can also opt for broad-spectrum CBD products as it is free from THC. It is ideal for consumers who are allergic to THC. 

Extracts that are made up of pure cannabinoids are also available, known as CBD isolate. Farmers usually obtain this type of CBD from hemp plants due to their low or non-existence of THC. 

No matter what CBD product you go with, it is always best to consult your doctor before deciding to use CBD for allergies. 

Keep the following factors in mind before buying CBD to treat allergies. They will ensure the safety and reliability of CBD products. 

  • Research well on the legal stipulations applicable to cannabidiol in the area where you will use and purchase it. 
  • Go for high-quality CBD products from reliable and legitimate brands. Most of the companies that manufacture the best CBD oil products grow hemp on their farm or purchase from licensed producers of hemp. 
  • If you are buying CBD from an online store, make sure to read the reviews. When purchasing from offline stores and dispensaries, ensure whether the store is authorized to sell CBD or not. 
  • A significant thing to look for in CBD products is certification codes. Various certification authorities approve certain products only after conducting screenings. 
  • Make a comparison of the company’s claims about the product with that of third-party testing. 
  • It’s good to consult a medical professional who has experience in CBD use before purchasing CBD. 

How To Take CBD For Allergies?

You have often heard “prevention is better than cure.” This means it is essential to make sure that your immune system is strong before an attack occurs. It is best to take CBD as a part of the daily regime. Fortunately, there are various ways to include CBD in your everyday life. 


There is no other way as versatile as CBD Oil. Draw the preferred dose in a dropper and place it under your tongue, include in your favorite drink, or just swallow it straight. 


Vaping is both fast and facile. Just pick up CBD in your favorite flavor and puff it wherever vaping is allowed. 


Since the CBD industry is booming, you can have CBD in the form of edibles too. Edibles are tasty and provide a lasting effect. CBD capsules, gummies, and pills are easily accessible. 


If you suffer from joint pains, every time allergy season comes around, get your hands on CBD lotions, gels, and balms. They give you a potent dose of CBD for allergies, directly to the tissues. 

Final Thoughts 

It goes without saying that allergies are increasing across the globe. People remain exposed to certain factors in the environment that causes allergies, such as food and dust. Although most allergens are harmless, they may cause an overreaction in the immune system of people who are allergic to them. 

Since CBD has anti-inflammatory properties, it can help allergy sufferers, especially those with hay fever or rhinitis. One way how CBD can address allergic symptoms is by inhibiting antibodies responsible for triggering histamine. 

Various studies suggested that CBD can be a potential treatment for allergies. And now, when you can consume it in so many different ways, it becomes even more accessible. 

Despite some clinical trials, medical experts caution users that CBD benefits might be theoretical. So, we recommend you to consult a doctor before including CBD in your daily regime for allergies. Also, start with small doses and observe your body’s reaction to CBD. We hope this helped!

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