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Use CBD Oil To Treat Your Next Hangover



Use CBD Oil To Treat Your Next Hangover

One tequila shot turns into two, two turns into three, and by the time you realize, oh snap! Two bottles are down.

We’ve all been there honestly. And you are on top of the world until the hangover kicks in. 

We are always a few shots away from the worst feeling of nausea and headache that comes with the hangover.

You may try a few home remedies suggested by your friends or try an experiment-based concoction. Sadly, these tricks are like shooting an arrow in the dark. They seem promising but to no avail.

There has to be a way to go about it. So, in the search for an effective solution to our hangover problems, we probe the internet end-to-end.

Consequently, we came across the product CBD oil that claims to be just the thing we are looking for. With much affirmative research up its sleeves, it poses as a promising product.

But how promising and efficacious is it? Let’s find out.

How Hangovers Occur – The Science Behind It

We may not think about it but there is a biological reason behind a hangover. It is very surprising how little we know about a hangover or maybe we are just too busy enjoying the effects of our drinks. 

However, even professional doctors do not fully understand the reasons that cause hangovers after the consumption of alcohol. Many arguments can be responsible for this event. Some suggest since alcohol is a toxin, it can damage the entire balance of the body and can create a damper on the functioning.

However, the theory that seems the most practical is that after the digestion of alcohol it changes into a compound called acetaldehyde. This compound is a type of toxin responsible for inducing hangovers. 

Hangovers are not permanent, they last for some time and then eventually fade away. It can take up to 24 hours to fade away the effects of a hangover; totally depends upon the body’s capability to digest alcohol. In fact, the longest hangover ever recorded lasted almost 4 weeks.  

Nevertheless, even if the hangover is a temporary symptom, it can still cause a lot of pain and discomfort to the individual suffering from it. 

Although, some people do not have to worry about massive hangovers as the body is naturally digesting the alcohol without giving a migraine-like pain to the head.  

People who are not gifted with this power have to use various methods to cure this frustrating headache. There is a long list of remedies that you can use to counter this problem. 

Commonly, drinking plenty of water and several electrolytes are seen to reduce the effects of hangovers. These fluids detox the body and help in flushing out the toxins out faster through waste.

People also initiate exercises and workout to burn off the effects of a hangover. This method has reported helping several people. The workout causes heat and precipitation which increases the metabolism of the individual and as a result the body is capable of digesting the toxins quickly and ultimately reducing the time of the hangover.

There is also a chance to prevent the hangover by eating healthy. It is suggested that eating healthy or, in some cases, unhealthy can prevent you from getting that exploding headache. The reliability of this method depends upon the body of the individual itself.

Sleeping the hangover out is the last and sometimes the best resort for the person. Moreover, it has seen that having another alcoholic beverage can also help in reducing the effects of a hangover. However, this method is not fully valid or recommended as it can make things worse for you.

Today, CBD oil is the most trending way to treat a hangover. It has been used by many people and is getting popular day by day. As many studies indicate, Cannabis plants contain great healing and medicinal properties and it can also be your elixir that will treat your next hangover.  

CBD Oil – A Savior?

CBD oil is derived from a natural plant called Cannabis. These plants are known for their medicinal purposes, they are known to have various antioxidants, bioactive, and anti-inflammatory properties that are helpful in the treatment of many diseases including the problem of hangovers.

CBD oil offers the ability to provide relief in hangover headache without giving a numb sensation that you can encounter in THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). Plus, it does not offer the risk of addiction that you can encounter in other Cannabis like marijuana. 

The human body contains cannabinoid receptors; these receptors are of two types CB1 and CB2. These receptors are responsible for the functioning of proper health operations such as pain, metabolism, and sleep pattern of the individual. 

However, consumption of alcohol can greatly damage the functionality of these operations. Furthermore, overconsumption of alcoholic beverages can also lead to imbalance in hormones and can also damage the cannabinoid receptors of the body.

CBD oil is scientifically proven to improve the functioning of the human body by interacting with the cannabinoid receptors and also helps in balancing the hormones of the body.

CBD oil helps in the treatment of various effects that you can experience from hangovers. These effects may be temporary but they sure can take a toll on your body and can be really uncomfortable and irritating on occasions.

Besides, keeping your hangover at bay CBD oils are also good for many other problems, like CBD oil is becoming one of the most popular methods for the treatment of chronic pain and stress or anxiety relief. This shows that CBD has a lot of potential and can be very good for your health. 

Symptoms of a Hangover

Here are some of the symptoms of a hangover that you can experience if you got a little overboard last night and states how CBD can resolve this issue for you.   

Leads to Dehydration.

Consumption of alcoholic beverages can lead to a more frequent need for urination, these quick trips to the bathroom depletes the water quantity in your body at an alarming rate. These frequent urination trips can eventually lead to dehydration in the human body.

If the person gets dehydrated, it causes a decrease in the level of electrolytes and nutrients as the compounds discharge with the frequent urination. These low levels of nutrients ultimately lead to headaches and dizziness.

CBD oil helps in regaining the lost amount of electrolytes, antioxidants, and nutrients that were carried with urine. Although, CBD oil does not fulfill the lost water quantity in the body so it is essential to drink lots of water between drinks or after drinks to avoid dehydration

With proper water intake and right CBD oil dosage, you can finally put those migraine-like headaches behind you.

Low Blood Sugar in the Body

Alcohol is directly responsible for the low blood sugar levels in the body. The toxic alcohol can rapidly decrease the sugar levels means the body can not function properly and eventually leads to an irritating feeling in the body and also leads to the shakiness of muscles. 

This problem can be more dangerous for people who are suffering from diabetes and if not checked it can lead to bigger problems than a hangover. Eating more sugar-rich food will not help as well as the secretion of insulin quickly reduces the sugar level again. 

CBD oil can help you in restoring the level of blood sugar without giving you a sugar crash. CBD oil is capable of reducing the secretion of the insulin hormone. This will allow the body to increase the sugar level at a slow gradual rate. However, this process is slow and can not happen over time, so it is mainly designed to provide more long term results.  

Causes Nausea 

It is well known that alcohol can cause nausea and vomiting if taken in big amounts. It is the prize you will get at the end of every whiskey bottle. But, why does it happen? Alcohol is a toxin that can irritate the stomach, and as you continue to consume alcoholic beverages it leads to acid formulation in the body.

It also swells up the stomach lining making it more restless and sensitive. This leads to a sense of nausea and irritability and ultimately the imbalance and chaos in the stomach bursts out in the form of vomit.

Fortunately, CBD oils are proven to solve this problem. May sound a little impractical but cannabis plants are being used to treat nausea and vomiting for many years. Cannabinoids help relax the stomach and are also beneficial for balancing the acid in the stomach making you less prone to puking or feeling of nausea.

Reports also state that CBD is also capable of reacting with the endocannabinoid system to relieve pain and any discomfort that happens to the body. Plus, interacting with the CB1 receptors also is a big factor in reducing vomiting and nausea.

Creates Anxiety

Alcohol is seen to affect and enhance the emotions of a person which can sometimes also lead to anxiety and symptoms of depression.  It happens due to a compound in our body called cortisol. This compound is responsible for regulating the sugar levels in the bloodstream. 

However, in high levels, cortisol can lead to restlessness, agitation, and anxiety. Consumption of alcohol can increase the levels of cortisol and can cause anxiety to the individual.

CBD oil can benefit you greatly to counter this problem. It helps in maintaining the levels of cortisol and makes you feel relaxed and safe. It proves comfort to the brain and body without any stimulant and sedative effects like marijuana.  

Can Cause Indigestion and Abdominal Pain

Alcohol consumption can swell up your stomach and make you feel bloated. This happens because alcoholic beverages create acidic compounds which lead to inflammation of the stomach lining. This imbalance in the stomach hampers the digestion of the individual, making it weak and more prone to indigestion.

This chaos in the stomach can also lead to an irritating abdominal cramp. This pain is temporary and will pass after a few hours, but it will not be easy for the person to wait the pain out.

CBD oil can help you in preventing indigestion and abdominal pain. It relaxes the stomach and balances our acidic reactions. This leads to healthy digestion and less chance of abdominal pain caused by alcoholic beverages.

Despite the many benefits that CBD oil offers, it also comes with certain risks that can concern an individual. CBD products can sometimes cause problems like dry mouth, dizziness, and weight gain which might be a deal-breaker for some people. However, these effects are very rare and will not incur any long term harm.

Another concern that people have questions about is fertility. Cannabis plants are known to have adverse effects on fertility. CBD oil and fertility go hand in hand, it is seen that CBD oil can affect the fertility and sperm count of a person.  

CBD Oil Dosage

There are many ways of using CBD oil, every person has their own preference for choosing the right method for them. You can take CBD oil orally and it will start its work with the digestion process. You can also mix your CBD dosage with your daily meals and beverages as a tincture. However, it can take longer to show its effects.

If you do not like taking CBD orally you can also use topical CBD products. CBD is also available in the form of various creams, lotions, and other skincare products. You just have to apply the CBD on the needed area and you are good to go.

This method of taking CBD is faster than oral CBD as it bypasses the digestion process and enters the body through the skin. This method will show results much faster than oral CBD consumption.  

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