CBD Water Might Just Be the Next Big Thing Since White Claw

Sparkling water that comes in different flavors are a big hit this month, and it was only a few weeks ago when White Claw suffered shortage nationwide due to its rising popularity.
Recently, a new kind of sparkling water is starting to make rounds on the internet because of its one ingredient that produces a good feeling once you consume it—CBD.
Cannabidiol, or CBD as it is more commonly known, is being infused in plenty of consumer products like cosmetics, coffee, beer, edibles, and tinctures. Companies are looking to expand to a bigger market by targeting bubble water production with the CBD twist, which offers relaxation effects.
These CBD-infused flavored seltzers are a great alternative to the hard seltzers and are quickly becoming a sensation in the market across the country. Some big distributors of beverages are quickly catching on the trend as well.
However, not everyone knows what CBD is, let alone why it’s growing famous these days. Does it cause the same high as its cousin product, marijuana? Why are CBD-laced refreshments manufactured and where to get them? Here are some of the things you need to know about CBD water.
Is CBD Illegal?
The Farm Bill of 2018 has given licenses to many growers across the US to cultivate and sell hemp and hemp products such as CBD. However, state and federal laws often don’t blend together, causing confusion in many states, particularly those that still have stringent regulations on cannabis.
Hemp is legal under federal laws as long as it has no more than 0.3% THC content. Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC is the active component of marijuana that causes its psychoactive properties.
While hemp and its derivative CBD is lawful in the federal point of view, state laws might still make these products illegal on a certain state, which is also the reason why CBD-containing sparkling drinks may not be legal in all of the US.
Robertson Allen, Ph.D., The Hartman Group senior consultant, advises companies that while CBD is viewed as legal nationwide, infusing it in drinks and food is another regulatory issue that falls under the jurisdiction of the FDA.
Soda-making company Sprig CEO Michael Lewis stated that the FDA stance on CBD is clear, which means that the substance is still now allowed to be incorporated in food and drinks today. It’s contradictory to the federal ruling, which is why the FDA is meeting pressure from both Congress and the general public.
Lewis also said that the FDA may likely allow CBD in consumable products anytime now or until 2020.
Why are Companies still pushing for CBD drinks?
Despite the FDA stance, companies are still interested in considering CBD as their next investment. This is because CBD is claimed to have therapeutic benefits, from pain relief to reduction of anxiety. It could be the next popular product especially for young people who are mostly suffering from anxiety.
Allen revealed that their latest study concerning health and wellness showed that consumers are trying out products that may manage or treat their anxiety. CBD-infused drinks might pique the interest of millennials and the Gen-Z since they are also curious about cannabis.
Benjamin Witte, CEO, and founder of the Recess brand attests to CBD’s effects because he has used it himself. He recalls trying CBD oil around two years back to tone down his anxiety and hyper personality.
Witte also notes how important it is to build a strong impact when establishing a beverage company. Like Mountain Dew and Sprite that advertise a dramatic change like becoming an athlete, the mood-altering effects of CBD can be a positive addition to the marketing strategy.
Another CBD sparkling water manufacturer from Colorado, DRAM Apothecary, incorporates more than the hemp extract since many plants also have great benefits to health.
CBD affects people differently, which is why such drinks may have varying degrees of relaxation if any at all. Witte likened it to coffee, wherein other people can’t tolerate the drink while some can have as much as four cups before bed.
There still isn’t any data on how much manufacturers are cashing in on the CBD water venture, but there are clues to note. Four of DRAM’s sparkling water are out of stock, and they have recently partnered with Coors to expand the business.
Where can CBD sparkling water be found?
The FDA decision on CBD might still be unclear, but beverage companies have started to market their respective products, usually through online stores. Others can already be found in convenience shops and groceries.
Allen says their company is selling to retailers who live in states that allow medical and recreational use of the substance.
Here are some of the brands that have CBD sparkling water in the market today:
Sprig is based in Newport Beach, California and produces 0% THC CBD sodas. They use stevia as a sweetener and are promoting cocktail recipes that use their sodas in the mix.
DRAM Apothecary
The said Colorado-based company DRAM markets their CBD-infused Beauty Bubbles mixed with rosewater and hibiscus sparkling water. They sell herbal beverages that come in many flavors.
Another company from Colorado produces sugar-free CBD water and some bite-sized edibles.
Recess is a company from New York with a well-designed brand that makes them an Instagram favorite. Their CBD water is sold in NYC stores as well as in Miami and Southern California.
The present is a brand that is the result of a partnership between hemp manufacturer WAAYB Organics and brewery from Colorado called Left Hand. These also come in many flavors.