CBD Oils at Gas Stations Near You

Hemp farming has been legalized; CBD market projections are at an all-time high; Support for the legalization of the production of Cannabis is still growing strong; Medical research is being funded by major corporations; What a great time to be alive – for the businesses looking to ride the CBD bandwagon. The hype is growing and everyone is looking to get in on the action. Today’s candidate: the AATAC.
What is AATAC?
AATAC stands for the Asian American Trade Association Council. It’s one of the largest trade associations of different gas stations and independent convenience stores in the US. Their member’s number around 50,000, representing around 90,000 branches at different locations all over the United States. Currently, they are reaching about 60% of the market in the country.
Most of their stores are branded with popular names such as Chevron, ARCO, Sunoco, BP, ARCO, Shell and 76. However, these are independently owned and operated while being members of the AATAC. One particular brand among the AATAC’s members, Health Harvest, has announced its decisions to include CBD in their inventories this summer, reaching around ten thousand locations. They expect to see the distribution to be further spread across thirty thousand locations by the end of the year.
CBD as an Icon
Obviously, this sudden growth spurt in CBD’s popularity hasn’t been overnight. Decisions of popular sports authorities regarding this substance, albeit misleading, are playing a major role in increasing the public awareness on this substance. More and more research is proving the benefits of CBD as a painkiller as opposed to the available addictive medications in the market. Furthermore, celebrities are promoting its benefits in popular media, shining a spotlight on this substance and increasing its popularity.
Unsurprisingly, such movements did not go unnoticed by the economists and business and market analysts. With its rising popularity, support and awareness, experts are expecting a huge increase in the market demand and value of CBD worldwide, prompting many countries to reconsider their stance of the legalization of its production.
CBD Oil on Different Stores
Health Harvest and its other AATAC brothers aren’t the first ones to get on the CBD bandwagon though. Many popular brands such as Walgreens and Vitamin Shoppe are including CBD on their shelves. Of course, Health Harvest’s decision to do the same is news, because unlike Walgreens and Vitamin Shoppe, they do not hold a pharmaceuticals section nor are recognized as a retailer of such products. Hence, this decision of theirs is not only increasing CBD oil’s accessibility but also normalizing this product as an OTC medication than something to be found at a pharmacy.
How can we not talk about the food and beverage industry, while we are talking about different brands adopting this product when they are one of the first ones to get on the CBD bandwagon. For a while now, different cafes, coffee shops, and restaurants have been busy experimenting with CBD-infused recipes; with great success nonetheless. While the nature of these businesses is far different from the gas stations’, they are all united with under one banner: Cannabidiol.